Theresa Samuels, 33, is a wife, mom, soon-to-be accountant and fervent believer in the power of education. Growing up, however, Theresa’s household did not place much emphasis on the value of schooling.
Rachel Moehle

Recent Posts
A New View on Education | Theresa's Story
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 14, 2021 12:45:00 PM / by Rachel Moehle posted in The Excel Center, Education
Indianapolis Met Finds Unique Ways to Support Students & Families
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 20, 2020 10:00:00 AM / by Rachel Moehle posted in Indianapolis Metropolitan High School, Education
Like many schools across the state, Indianapolis Metropolitan High School teachers and students left their building on Thursday, March 12, for what would be the last time for the unforeseeable future. With statewide school closures issued by Governor Holcomb, educators found themselves faced with a daunting question: How do we continue to serve students in the wake of a global, public health crisis?
Finding Success (and Each Other) at The Excel Center | Kristani and Bryson’s Story
[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 14, 2020 12:00:00 PM / by Rachel Moehle posted in Success Story, The Excel Center, Education, Valentines Day
Kristani and Bryson Kovach are not high school sweethearts in the traditional sense. Then again, neither of their experiences with high school were traditional at first, either.
Where Are They Now: Katie Reigelsperger
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 31, 2020 12:00:00 PM / by Rachel Moehle posted in Success Story, The Excel Center, Education, Parents
Growing up, Katie Reigelsperger had little support from her parents, who struggled with substance abuse. Over the years, Katie was in and out of the foster care system and struggled to find the stability and guidance that she needed to make healthy choices. Then, at the age of 13, she found out she was pregnant.
Driven and Motivated | Zachary's Story
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 12, 2019 12:00:00 PM / by Rachel Moehle posted in The Excel Center, Education
Zachary Mobley, 30, may be one of the first students to attend the newest campus in Bloomington, but he is no stranger to The Excel Center®. Zachary first attended the University Heights location in 2017, making the drive from Bloomington to Indianapolis with his sister daily. Though he received a Certificate of Completion in his youth, Zachary struggled to find consistent, gainful employment without a diploma.
Indianapolis Met Improves Dropout Rate by Providing Child Care and Support Services
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 31, 2019 6:00:00 PM / by Rachel Moehle posted in Indianapolis Metropolitan High School, Education, Parents
October is National Dropout Prevention Month, but Indianapolis Metropolitan High School works year-round on removing the barriers that many students face in trying to complete their education such as homelessness, criminal records, teen pregnancy and more.
A Path to Success Through Indy Met
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 3, 2019 4:00:00 PM / by Rachel Moehle posted in Success Story, Indianapolis Metropolitan High School, Education
Indianapolis Metropolitan High School is designed for students experiencing circumstances that may present a barrier to education. Supports such as free child care, transportation assistance, family empowerment coaching and small class sizes help students remove those barriers and meet their goals.
Setting An Example | Perci’s Story
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 16, 2019 7:00:00 AM / by Rachel Moehle posted in The Excel Center, Education, Parents
Raised by a single mom on the eastside of Indianapolis, life was not always easy for Perci Robertson. Outside influences and the added responsibility of working to help care for his siblings thrust Perci into adulthood at a young age. With his mother often working long hours to support their family, life at home lacked structure, and he struggled to maintain his focus and motivation in the classroom.
Returning to the Classroom | Genesis’ Story
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 5, 2019 7:00:00 PM / by Rachel Moehle posted in Success Story, The Excel Center, Education, Parents
When Genesis Ortiz withdrew from high school during her senior year, she never imagined that she’d be pursuing a teaching degree nearly 10 years later.
Meet Justin Musgrove & Selena Schraven | Indy Met Teacher Appreciation Week Spotlight
[fa icon="calendar'] May 7, 2019 7:00:00 PM / by Rachel Moehle posted in Indianapolis Metropolitan High School, Education
It takes an extraordinary kind of teacher to become a part of the Indianapolis Metropolitan High School family. As a best-fit high school for students experiencing circumstances that may present a barrier to education, Indy Met staff must possess empathy, patience and — most of all — heart.