Life-changing Training with SCSEP

    [fa icon="calendar'] Jun 28, 2024 3:00:00 PM / by Mats Klein posted in Employment, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Mission Awareness

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    Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana’s Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a work-based training program for older adults ages 55+. Participants are not only provided with the training needed to be successful in today’s working world but also receive opportunities that can open doors to potential careers.

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    Empowering Seniors with the Goodwill Young Leaders Board

    [fa icon="calendar'] Apr 15, 2024 3:00:00 PM / by Cameray Vican posted in Senior Community Service Employment Program, Mission Awareness

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    Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana is proud to celebrate National Financial Literacy Month.  To elevate the importance of financial literacy and maintaining smart money management habits, we’re recognizing the Goodwill Young Leaders Board’s most recent volunteer initiative. 

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    Celebrating National Employ Older Workers Week with Donna Roberson

    [fa icon="calendar'] Sep 29, 2023 3:00:00 PM / by Noelle Gray posted in Employment, Disability, Success Story, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Mission Awareness

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    Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana is proud to continue our recognition of National Employ Older Workers Week, a period to acknowledge and increase awareness of the contributions older workers have in our workforce. This commemorative week also highlights the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), a work-based training program for older adults available across the nation.

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    SCSEP Participants Find Opportunities in Goodwill’s Network

    [fa icon="calendar'] Apr 14, 2023 3:30:00 PM / by Maria Adsit posted in Employment, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Retail, Mission Awareness

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    The Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) has remained steadfast in connecting program participants ages 55+ with paid, on-the-job training opportunities from local community partners and within Goodwill’s network. These opportunities reintroduce them to the workforce, allow them to practice new skills and open doors for potential career paths. In the first quarter of SCSEP’s 2022 program year, seven participants obtained employment at their training site.

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    Overcoming Barriers with Goodwill’s SCSEP

    [fa icon="calendar'] Feb 28, 2023 9:00:00 AM / by Mats Klein posted in Employment, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Criminal History, Mission Awareness

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    When Jefferson Jones applied for Goodwill of Central and Southern Indiana’s Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), he didn’t quite know what he would be getting into. Jefferson knew that SCSEP partnered with nonprofits and worked with people like himself in his community. However, he didn’t know how much he would love this new training opportunity. 

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    Your Impact: 2022 Goodwill Mission Outcomes

    [fa icon="calendar'] Feb 21, 2023 2:25:05 PM / by Jenny Kakasuleff posted in Employment, Nurse-Family Partnership, Disability, Education, Foundation, Senior Community Service Employment Program

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    When you donate, shop and make financial gifts to Goodwill, you're changing the lives of thousands of the most vulnerable Hoosiers. We’re so thankful for supporters like you who are making an impact in central and southern Indiana. Together, we're changing lives. THANK YOU!

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    Moving Forward with SCSEP

    [fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Noelle Gray posted in Employment, Goodwill Commercial Services, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Mission Awareness, 38thandSheridan

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    After 14 years of missionary work overseas, Tim Hudson returned to his hometown of Indianapolis to take care of his parents and provide them with the daily and nightly care they needed. When they passed in 2019, Tim had trouble finding another occupation that could help with expenses. He regularly applied to job opportunities, but his lack of recent work history and age were constant barriers to achieving employment with a life-sustaining wage.

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    SCSEP Participant Thrives Helping Others

    [fa icon="calendar'] Dec 23, 2021 9:15:00 AM / by Mats Klein posted in Employment, Senior Community Service Employment Program

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    When Vicki Parks of Richmond, Indiana first enrolled into Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana’s Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) she was very hesitant about starting over due to her age. However, once Vicki gave the program a chance and began to understand the support that she would receive while enrolled, she realized that it was a perfect fit for her. 

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    SCSEP Computer Lab Creates Opportunity for Participants

    [fa icon="calendar'] Dec 4, 2020 8:30:00 AM / by Maria Anderson posted in Community Partners, Senior Community Service Employment Program

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    Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana’s  Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) has remained steadfast in finding innovative ways to provide valuable learning opportunities to its participants. Through a partnership with Five Star Technology Solutions, SCSEP participants are able to attend weekly computer classes in a socially distanced computer lab to help build their digital skills. 

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    SCSEP Participant Uses Innovative Technology to Thrive

    [fa icon="calendar'] Nov 5, 2020 9:00:00 AM / by Jo Young posted in Disability, Success Story, Senior Community Service Employment Program

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    In 2015, James Hayes was diagnosed with a vision impairment called low-vision, caused by glaucoma and other deficiencies. At the onset of this diagnosis, James was employed by Indianapolis Public Schools but left due to the disease’s progression.

    As his vision continued to diminish, James learned to adapt to his new circumstance as best he could by working with other not-for-profit organizations that assisted those with vision impairments. One of those agencies referred him to the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) at Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana. 

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