Persevering Toward Your Goals

    [fa icon="calendar"] Sep 24, 2024 3:00:00 PM / by Noelle Gray

    Noelle Gray

    Goodwill is proud to recognize National Employ Older Workers Week, a commemorative week to acknowledge the contributions and achievements of older workers. Older workers not only bring years of skill, experience, and work ethic to their jobs; they’re also becoming a greater part of the workforce. As of 2022, the older adult population was increasing at over five times the rate of the younger population in central Indiana alone. 

    The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), a nationwide work-based training program for older adults, is also highlighted during National Employ Older Workers Week. Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana implements SCSEP in 13 Indiana counties, providing Hoosiers ages 55+ opportunities for paid, on-the-job training that can open doors to potential careers.


    Wanting to hone his computer skills and find steady employment, Daniel Simmons received several recommendations to apply to Goodwill SCSEP. After applying and enrolling in 2023, Daniel benefited from the program in several ways –  but most importantly, he received the encouragement he needed to help reach his goals.

    “I enjoy the people at Goodwill,” said Daniel. “Everybody seems like they want to help. No matter what, they want to push you to do better.”

    Goodwill SCSEP participants work closely with a coach who helps them practice new skills and advance to regular employment. Daniel’s coach gave him the push he needed when he felt discouraged by the barriers he faced and wanted to give up on his goals.

    “She wouldn’t let me quit,” said Daniel.

    SCSEP assisted him with his rent and even advised him to leave work and take care of himself when he fell sick. He performed so well during his training period at Goodwill Commercial Services that he was offered a full-time position.

    Daniel transitioned to full-time employment in July 2023. 


    “I was so happy that I could be comfortable with my bills and still have money to feed myself,” said Daniel. “I’m not worried or stressed anymore.”

    Since moving to full-time, Daniel has been learning as much as possible in his facility maintenance role. He feels supported in his role and wants to stay at Goodwill for the time being. At 61, Daniel looks forward to retirement. For now, he is satisfied with the progress that has been made to reenter the workforce and earn a living wage.

    “It feels great,” said Daniel. “Not good – but great.”

    Topics: Employment, Success Story, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Mission Awareness

    Noelle Gray

    Written by Noelle Gray

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