Leadership Spotlight | Lynn Baldwin, RN, MSN, WHNP, Regional Director for Goodwill’s Nurse-Family Partnership
[fa icon="calendar'] May 21, 2021 10:15:00 AM / by Stephenie Snow posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, Nurses Month
Leadership Spotlight | Jennifer Neff-Whitlow, CHW, Goodwill’s Community Health Advocate
[fa icon="calendar'] May 11, 2021 10:30:00 AM / by Stephenie Snow posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, Southern Indiana, Mission Awareness
NFP Mom to Twins Earns Degree During Pandemic
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 15, 2021 10:30:00 AM / by Jodie Skinner posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, TalentSource
Merle Davidson first heard about Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana’s Nurse-Family PartnershipⓇ (NFP) from a friend who was enrolled in the program. At the time, Merle was pregnant with twin girls and was instructed that she’d need to be on bed rest at IU Methodist for the duration of her pregnancy. With Goodwill’s Nurse-Family Partnership providing a free, personal nurse that she could turn to for guidance, support and encouragement, Merle decided to enroll in the program; knowing that Nurse-Family Partnership would be a powerful ally for her and enable her to give her girls the best possible start in life.
Fighting to Reduce Black Morbidity and Mortality Rates of Birthing People in Indiana
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 4, 2021 9:15:00 AM / by Stephenie Snow posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, Mission Awareness
In 2020, Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana, with funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, sponsored two doula certification courses in an effort to combat and reduce the Black morbidity and mortality rates of birthing people in Indiana; beginning with the community in Marion County.
Always Moving Forward | Mikala’s Story
[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 4, 2021 9:30:00 AM / by Abby O'Connor posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, Success Story, Parents
Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana’s Nurse-Family PartnershipⓇ client Mikala Turner always felt inspired by this quote from Confucius—“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.” So inspired in fact, that it serves as her guiding principle throughout her life as she consistently sets and achieves her goals, overcomes tragedy and challenges and eventually discovers a path that allows her to provide support to others facing many of the same challenges she did.
Nurse-Family Partnership Grad Perseveres Through Adversity to Achieve Career Goal
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 16, 2020 8:30:00 AM / by DeAnna Warren posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, TalentSource, Success Story
Cynthia Coles has faced trauma and adversities throughout her life. In addition to being the sole provider for her young son and working full-time, Cynthia became the legal guardian of one of her nephews and assists with the care of her other nieces and nephews after the unexpected and tragic deaths of two of her sisters. In addition, Cynthia also provides stable housing for family members and friends who are experiencing homelessness. No matter the circumstance though, Cynthia always kept moving forward.
Goodwill Mission Program Participant Finds Career Path Through Hard Work and Support
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 9, 2020 9:45:00 AM / by Carolyn Alvarez posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, TalentSource, Success Story
For Faith Oberting, becoming pregnant with her first child in 2016 brought many uncertainties, questions, and anxieties. Through word of mouth, she learned about Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana’s Nurse-Family Partnership, a program that provides a free personal nurse to moms less than 28 weeks pregnant with their first child, and decided to enroll for the extra support and guidance the program offers.
Making a Difference in Infant Mortality
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 22, 2020 9:00:00 AM / by Jayme D. Allen, M.D. posted in Nurse-Family Partnership
Traditionally, September is Infant Mortality Awareness Month. Infant mortality is defined as the death of a baby before their first birthday, while the infant mortality rate is the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births. Indiana has one of the highest infant mortality rates, ranking 47th among all states. For this reason, Governor Holcomb set the goal to be the “best in the Midwest” for this measure by 2024.
Celebrating the work of Nurse-Family Partnership’s Community Health Heroes
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 21, 2020 10:00:00 AM / by Sherry Matemachani posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, Success Story
Goodwill’s implementation of Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) has always relied on key supporters; both inside and outside Goodwill. NFP’s Community Health Advocate and Specialist Team is no exception. This past July, the NFP Community Team was celebrated and honored for staff milestones in addition to the invaluable contributions they have made to the program.
Goodwill’s Nurse-Family Partnership Nurses Advocate for Breastfeeding Hoosier Moms
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 7, 2020 10:00:00 AM / by Maria Reisenauer, RN, MBA, CLC posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, Parents, WBW2020
Though it has been around for as long as mothers have fed their children, for first-time mothers, breastfeeding is a very new, emotional and sometimes challenging experience that mom and baby have to work through together. That is where the skill and expertise of a Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) Nurse can be a huge benefit to both mom and baby.