Cayley Golay is an unstoppable force whose main source of fulfillment is her desire to help people. Cayley joined the Goodwill family when she was a junior in high school, working in retail stores throughout her high school career until she found a job in manufacturing after graduation. When Cayley realized she wanted to go back to school to pursue a nursing career, she chose to return to Goodwill where she knew she would be supported through the process.
Support while Pursuing a Nursing Career
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 26, 2019 12:00:00 PM / by Colleen Grile posted in Employment, McClelland Scholarship, Retail
Cheyenne's Hard Work Pays Off
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 19, 2019 12:00:00 PM / by Kelsey Stolz posted in The Excel Center, Education
Cheyenne Caldwell beamed with excitement as she walked across the stage to receive her Core 40 Diploma from The Excel Center®, Goodwill’s high school for adults. Graduating Cum Laude, Cheyenne’s hard work and determination finally paid off. Before attending The Excel Center, Cheyenne experienced many barriers that made it difficult to achieve her educational goals.
Aim Higher
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 2, 2019 9:46:42 AM / by Rana Mitchell posted in Employment, Nurse-Family Partnership, The Excel Center, Education, McClelland Scholarship, Parents
Jaquala Berry’s Story
Supporting a young grad with finding dream job
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 26, 2019 12:00:00 PM / by Beverly Phillips posted in Employment, Disability, Disability Services, ClickGoodwill, #ADA29
Goodwill has a long history of helping those with disabilities increase their independence and reach their potential, especially through employment. About 10 percent of people in the U.S. have what’s called invisible disabilities. That means a physical, mental or neurological condition that limits a person’s movements, senses or activities and is invisible to the average onlooker.
Employment Helps Veteran Fulfill Longtime Dream
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 25, 2019 2:26:26 PM / by Jenny Kakasuleff posted in Employment, Goodwill Commercial Services, Veteran
Established in 2017, National Hire a Veteran Day (celebrated on July 25) was founded by Hire Our Heroes, a nonprofit organization that connects veterans with employers. Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana recognizes the value that veterans bring to the table in terms of leadership, discipline, endurance, grit and so much more. We employ more than 100 veterans in a variety of roles, including retail associates, teachers, support professionals and more.
The Excel Center Celebrates a Record-Breaking Year!
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 19, 2019 7:00:00 AM / by Jennifer Wade posted in The Excel Center, Education
The Second Act of Life | A SCSEP Story
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 12, 2019 12:15:00 PM / by Rana Mitchell posted in Employment, Disability, Senior Community Service Employment Program
It is never too late to pursue a dream. Many seniors are proving this statement to be true by participating in Goodwill’s Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). SCSEP is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. Goodwill and many other organizations participate in the program to help seniors gain valuable work experience. SCSEP provides opportunities for seniors to take part in paid job training at a variety of host agencies. The job training helps reintroduce Hoosiers age 55 and up into the workforce while opening doors for potential careers.
Barriers Were No Match For This Kind of Determination
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 9, 2019 12:00:00 PM / by Chris Wass posted in Employment, Retail, Southern Indiana, Mission Coaches
Meet Sarina Kenney
A Message From Goodwill's President - Summer 2019
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 3, 2019 12:00:00 PM / by Kent A. Kramer posted in President's Message
Imagine you’re one of the half million working-age Hoosiers who dropped out of high school. You work a full-time job but struggle to cover the basics and still rely on public assistance. You know you need a diploma to earn more, but where will you find the time? Who will care for your child while you’re in class? How will you get back and forth? As the barriers pile up, returning to school seems more and more impossible.
Always Keep Smiling
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 20, 2019 7:00:00 AM / by Rana Mitchell posted in The Excel Center, Education, McClelland Scholarship, refugee
Meet Basimah Alshaar