National Disability Employment Awareness Month Highlights Inclusion

    [fa icon="calendar'] Oct 31, 2023 9:34:58 AM / by Jenny Kakasuleff posted in Employment, Disability, Success Story, #NDEAM, Mission Awareness, DEI

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    Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana is one of the largest employers for persons with disabilities in Indiana, with more than 1,600 current employees reporting a disability – 34% of our workforce. For 90 years, we’ve been employing individuals and providing job training to Hoosiers who experience barriers to employment. 

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    Celebrating National Employ Older Workers Week with Donna Roberson

    [fa icon="calendar'] Sep 29, 2023 3:00:00 PM / by Noelle Gray posted in Employment, Disability, Success Story, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Mission Awareness

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    Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana is proud to continue our recognition of National Employ Older Workers Week, a period to acknowledge and increase awareness of the contributions older workers have in our workforce. This commemorative week also highlights the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), a work-based training program for older adults available across the nation.

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    Never Too Late to Make the Grade

    [fa icon="calendar'] Sep 5, 2023 2:40:06 PM / by Rachel Moehle posted in Success Story, The Excel Center, Education, Parents, Mission Awareness, Multi-gen impact, Goodwill Education

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    Tammi Burrus had her high school experience cut short when she became pregnant at the age of 16.

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    Growing with Goodwill

    [fa icon="calendar'] Aug 22, 2023 1:00:00 PM / by Jenny Kakasuleff posted in Disability, Success Story, Indianapolis Metropolitan High School, Education, Mission Awareness, Goodwill Education

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    When Damiyah Lawrence enrolled at Indianapolis Metropolitan High School during her freshman year, she struggled with a learning disability.

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    Goodwill and Per Scholas Celebrate First Cohort of Indianapolis Grads

    [fa icon="calendar'] Jul 7, 2023 1:30:00 PM / by Jenny Kakasuleff posted in Success Story, The Excel Center, Education, Mission Awareness, Goodwill Education

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    In 2012, Carlton Foster enrolled at The Excel Center®, Goodwill’s high school for adults, to earn his diploma and expand his career possibilities. He would go on to be the first graduate of The Excel Center’s Anderson, Indiana, location while also earning multiple industry-recognized job certifications.

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    Achieve Your Dreams at The Excel Center

    [fa icon="calendar'] Jul 3, 2023 2:15:00 PM / by Jennifer Wade posted in Success Story, The Excel Center, Education, Language Barrier, Mission Awareness, Goodwill Education, The Excel Center National Office

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    Lizbeth Cruz Gonzalez, 36, has constantly been striving for the best opportunities in her life, even at a young age. Originally from Mexico, Lizbeth wanted to pursue her education, but it came with challenges.

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    Excel Center Grad Honored with International Award

    [fa icon="calendar'] Jun 30, 2023 10:45:00 AM / by Jenny Kakasuleff posted in Success Story, The Excel Center, Education, Mission Awareness, Multi-gen impact, Goodwill Education

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    At the age of 13, Katie Reigelsperger learned she was expecting a child. Lacking a support system as her parents struggled with substance abuse and alcoholism, Katie's parents withdrew her from school. While her friends were applying to college and attending prom, Katie was caring for her baby, changing diapers and working a series of low-paying jobs that lacked advancement and had little financial security or benefits. Then she learned about The Excel Center®, Goodwill’s tuition-free high school for adults, and her career path and life were forever changed.

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    Excel Center Grad Pursues Doctorate of Pharmacy

    [fa icon="calendar'] Jun 27, 2023 2:15:00 PM / by Jenny Kakasuleff posted in Success Story, The Excel Center, Education, Language Barrier, McClelland Scholarship, refugee, Mission Awareness, Goodwill Education

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    Saja Abbas arrived in the U.S. in 2009 as a refugee. Born in Iraq, her family was forced to flee their home in 2006 to escape war. As a result, Saja missed out on attending middle school and high school. 

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    Making a Fresh Start

    [fa icon="calendar'] Jun 14, 2023 1:09:41 PM / by Jenny Kakasuleff posted in Employment, Success Story, Criminal History, Retail, Former Addiction, Mission Awareness, Pride Month, LGBTQ, DEI

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    Kris Bussey was only 10 years old when she was first introduced to painkillers on the school bus. 

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    The Pride of Achievement

    [fa icon="calendar'] Jun 6, 2023 9:31:13 AM / by Jenny Kakasuleff posted in Disability, Success Story, The Excel Center, Education, Criminal History, Former Addiction, Mission Awareness, Mission Coaches, Goodwill Education, Pride Month, LGBTQ, DEI

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    Dakota McLaughlin experienced significant challenges growing up. His mother passed away when he was young, and he was also bullied at school, especially when he came out as gay, which often left him feeling alone. After experiencing domestic violence from a family member, Dakota felt safer leaving home, even though he had nowhere else to go. 

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