Jodie Skinner

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    NFP Mom to Twins Earns Degree During Pandemic

    [fa icon="calendar'] Apr 15, 2021 10:30:00 AM / by Jodie Skinner posted in Nurse-Family Partnership, TalentSource

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    Merle Davidson first heard about Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana’s Nurse-Family PartnershipⓇ (NFP) from a friend who was enrolled in the program. At the time, Merle was pregnant with twin girls and was instructed that she’d need to be on bed rest at IU Methodist for the duration of her pregnancy. With Goodwill’s Nurse-Family Partnership providing a free, personal nurse that she could turn to for guidance, support and encouragement, Merle decided to enroll in the program; knowing that Nurse-Family Partnership would be a powerful ally for her and enable her to give her girls the best possible start in life. 

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